18 November 2009


First, I'd like to thank Lisa, Jackie, Steph, Bunny, Ash, Amy, & Elise for their incredible guest posts while I was gone.  I just this very moment realized that I want to give y'all {Ash, that's for you} a big hug and none of you are in town!  Damn it.  Remind me the next time I see you because each of you deserve one... well except Bunny because hugs make her uncomfortable, but I'm going to hug her anyway.  And I really had a touching sister moment Miss Elise, your post about DanceBlue was poignant, selfless, and not at all what I was expecting.  I'm so very proud of you, Dave and I will give you a check toward your goal when you're home for Thanksgiving.

Now that little piece of business is out of the way, the trip was AMAZING.  We had a fantastic time and despite a few little snags like this one, oh and Finnegan projectile vomiting on ME and himself as we landed in Detroit this morning at 6 am, it was a great time.  I have lots of posts upcoming including the best hotel in Santa Barbara, a fantastic Peruvian dinner at Limon {and the hilarious dinner companions plus the wine we're now obsessed with}, the PCH drive, and another amazing dinner from a fab personal chef {who happens to be a pretty awesome friend as well} in Los Angeles. 

Couple all of that bloggy yumminess with my 400th post, tips on travel with a toddler, and a Thanksgiving tablescape!  Looks like I'm going to be a little busy around here.

Ta Daaaa, I'm back.  Hope you had as good a week as I did!


  1. Yay!

    I think kids always puke at least once on a trip. It's just a rule.

  2. I'm sure you could guess my first question about this post....What is the wine? :)

  3. Dr Drinkwell's Meritage was the wine!


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