29 November 2011

2nd to Last Day of NaBloPoMo & Other Random Stuff.


I don’t think I can take it anymore. 

I’m thanking my lucky stars that there is only ONE day left, then I can cross it off my list.  NaBloPoMo really gives you a run for your money.  It’s hard to post every single day for a month and not feel like you’ve run out of things to say.   And that is saying a lot, because I can talk.

I will be ecstatic to go back to my regular blog schedule and take a little vacation.  A vacation that will have me working anyway, so I suppose it’s not really a vacation now is it? 

What am I doing?  This.  Crafting my little fingers to the bone.

holiday bazaar 2011

So, my local peeps, come out and see me.  Be sure to say hello.

Don’t forget I have a $100 SpaFinder gift card giveaway going on from Dove

And a Bounce Dryer Bar and $50 Visa gift card giveaway too!

1 comment:

  1. Good Job on the blogging! There is no way I would be able to blog for 30 days straight.


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