31 December 2010

Happy New Year, Dave Threw Up in my Sink.

Ours is a love story of the ages, puke filled sink and all…

If you’re a long time reader, you’ll probably remember that Dave and I were friends for 6 months before we started dating.  I tried to hook him up with my sister.  And my best friend.  And I thought he was a sweet guy, but totally NOT my type.  You know, because I liked dating unavailable assholes at the time.  So, how did it finally happen?  I let him kiss me and he was a shockingly good great kisser so really, I thought we would fool around for a few months and be done with it.  This story is from that time.

Our first New Year together, we had been dating about 6 or so weeks and by dating I mean fooling around and hanging out and having fun.  Not dating like I was going to marry this guy.  I was saving that for the guy I would actually end up with you know, not some college guy.

So how did we spend our first New Year?  A romantic dinner?  Not for us.  He was still in college at the time and college guys don’t generally think of things like romantic dinners.  We went to a party at his friend Jason’s house with probably twenty other of his friends and we had a little too much fun. 

I’m pretty sure there are videos of that night that I would rather just pretend didn’t exist. 

Halfway through the night, I started to notice that maybe, just maybe he wasn’t going to be able to drive me home so I stopped drinking.  A party is one thing, but having to spend the night on the floor at someone’s house I barely knew didn’t seem like a fun idea.

Now, Dave claims even to this day, that it was the Jello shots that did it, but I am pretty sure that drinking out of the giant Heineken bottle with Jon {I would be remiss not to mention that Jon continues to maintain his innocence all of these years later despite the photographic evidence of him hoisting the giant Heiney bottle while Dave drinks it} that put him just enough over the edge. 

We went back to my apartment and he proceeded to throw up in my bathroom sink and all over himself.  Oh, did I mention that we were fooling around at the time and he insisted that he was fine?  Pointer for you college guys: running to the bathroom and vacating the contents of your stomach usually is a mood killer.

So I convinced him to get into the shower because um, he was covered in beer smelling vomit and the next morning I asked him to leave. 

He went back to Jason’s and proceeded to tell the whole sordid tale to Jason & his girlfriend Kerry.  He was sure SO sure that I would never talk to him again.  Really, I probably shouldn’t have.  He called,  offered to come clean the bathroom, and brought me flowers.  Then he apologized and has never in all of the years we’ve been together EVER gotten sick from drinking again.

And so I just want to take a second today to tell him that I’m glad I can still make fun of him for the whole internet’s amusement about puking in my sink and I’m happy I didn’t go running.  I’m also pretty sure that he owes Kerry big time for the suggestion of bringing flowers.  I am also sure that your mom {hi Sue} is going to be REALLY proud of you when she reads this.

Have a SAFE, happy {non-vomit filled} HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

29 December 2010

Three Year Old Stubble?

Finn:  Uh, dad.  Is there a lot of cream left in your shaving?

Dave:  {Laughing noticing all of the mysterious blue blobs floating in the bath water that must have shot all over while a 3 year old decided to “shave”.}  I think there is quite a bit Finn.

Finn:  Ok.  Good.

24 December 2010

Merry Merry.

To you and yours. 

I hope that you have your heart’s desire waiting for you under the tree tomorrow morning.

21 December 2010


I’m here and doing ok.  Oddly enough, I don’t really have a whole lot to say.  I know… shocking for me, eh?

Christmas prep has certainly been lax this year and we seem to have 52,930 things going at all times so I highly doubt that beyond wrapping gifts and maybe making a batch of {boxed} cookies that anything else will get done.  I am strangely ok with that.  The Santa gifts are wrapped and so are the couple gifts I got for Dave… the rest?  Fuck it.  Next year I can do it up Martha style.

Finn has been a stinker lately.  Even with the threat of Santa looming in the near future.  He had a nasty case of bronchitis so that could be part of it, but woooo boy he and Dave have been butting heads like you wouldn’t believe.  I can see this being fun for the next fifteen years of my life.  Maybe it’s the Taurus-Virgo combination?

So that’s about all.  I’ve gotten a couple worried emails so I wanted to assure you all that things are fine here.  I’ve been feeling better, still tired, just taking it one day at a time.  Of course there are also promises of good {and more frequent} posting after the new year.

Hope you all are doing well also!

13 December 2010



He insisted on both macaroni & cereal for dinner… and made it through half before completely passing out at 7 pm.  You know, he doesn’t NEED a nap anymore.

He has never had one, but he’s been referring to Jolly Ranchers as Cherry Spit, we’re not really sure why, but he does have a point.  They do make your spit taste like cherries.

And counting in Spanish to cinqo before starting back over at dos.  Thank you Toy Story 3 and Buzz Lightyear’s Spanish mode for that one.

He is enamored with the tree this year and helped me decorate while Dave was at work.  Aside from the huge clusterfuck of ornaments at his level that we had to gently move upward, it looks pretty.  He is also enamored with the thought of Santa bringing toys to his house and asks me daily if tonight is the night.  I assured him that I would make it known when the big man intends to make an appearance.

There are days I feel like the luckiest mom in the entire world… and some days he’s questioned every single word out of our mouths and it’s the most maddening thing in the world.  But most days, it’s the lucky.

09 December 2010

Perplexed and Ranting.

So I read this article this morning about how bake sales and other food fundraisers would be affected by the child nutrition bill:

My question is this... why are people or would people be enraged about this bill?  I don't want a bunch of junk in Finn's school if I can help it and some kids don't even have the opportunity for healthy food at home, so why not make it available for them somewhere?  And WHY for the love of God are we feeding our children crap?  To save a buck?  Because that is all they know?  Because change sucks? 

People, we should be PISSED our kids don’t know how to identify a tomato or an eggplant or an ear of corn.

I am by no means a food nazi, Finn gets candy and chips and crap sometimes though I really am still a freak about no fast food.  I just guess if given the choice of a healthy school lunch or a non-healthy sodium filled, fat laden, zero vegetable lunch, wouldn't you choose healthy?

And when you’re done weighing in {no pun intended} about this, hop over to my friend Mindy’s blog, scroll down and read about pre-school lunches in France. 

08 December 2010

Things I Love Today. {that aren’t my family or friends}

  1. Snail mail.  Everyone loves seeing a pretty colorful envelope mixed in with bills and ads that you just recycle, there is just something about a card filled with happy thoughts that makes my day.
  2. Cracky ice.  I am weird and love the ice that you get from the store because it’s rough rather than smooth.  It’s pretty much an obsession and Dave has been buying bags of it for me since I got sick.  The ice obsession started before the sick thing, but I have to say because of the iron deficiency it has amped up a bit.
  3. Oranges.  Also we’ve figured out is due to the iron thing, I’ve been eating several oranges a day. 
  4. Christmas lights.  Even though the tree isn’t decorated yet, those twinkling lights just make me so happy.
  5. The Sing Off on NBC.  It started on Monday and it’s on again tonight, there is something magical about the sounds that come out of these people as a group.  It’s insane.  Watch it.
  6. Real hot chocolate.  If you haven’t made it, do it.  I added a cinnamon stick to the cream last time and a shot of espresso.  Absolutely lovely.
  7. Shower/Baths.  OK, this one is weird, I’ll admit.  I always thought I’d want to live in a huge house and have a separate shower and bath, but I’d miss the combo of the two.  Close the drain, turn the shower on as hot as you can stand it and just lay or sit there as it rains down on you and fills up around you.  Taking a shower/bath in the dark is my go to for curing sleepless nights, it’s so relaxing you feel like you’ve been massaged.  Bubbles are optional.

What’s something you love today?

06 December 2010


Can you believe it?  Today, it’s the first day that I don’t have a babysitter since before Thanksgiving.  Thirteen days, that is a long time to not be alone.  I love my family and friends, but dear LORD in heaven it is going to be nice for a little time with Finn.  He is as much in need of our regular routine as I am.  OK, it’s only for a day and Dave will likely be home at lunch, calling every 20 minutes and/or sending my dad over to check up on me, but it’s a start. 

Poor Dave told me Friday night that he would like to just leave the house without having a panic attack and rushing home because he doesn’t want to be away for more than a few minutes. 

I think that is husband code for, he likes me and doesn’t want me to croak on the bathroom floor, but I could be wrong?

Saturday was a good day, my best in fact.  We went out for Japanese for lunch, then I walked around Costco for approximately 25 minutes before getting winded and tired and promptly coming home and sleeping for two hours.  And of course, I paid for it Sunday when I felt like I was hit by a Mack truck and basically slept all day.  But back to the happy Saturday part… it was the first day I felt almost normal and for that I am grateful.

Baby steps.

So, that’s up with me.  I’ve been crawling through my reader catching up on you guys too, but why don’t you make it easier on me and just tell me in the comments what you’ve been up to.  I miss talking to people who aren’t asking me what my hemoglobin count is, if I need to lie down, or if I feel ok.  Are you done shopping?  Is your house all ready with stockings hung by the chimney with care?  Did you drink 14 martinis this weekend with your girlfriends and make an ass out of yourself?  Tell me!

05 December 2010

Christmas Ideas?

Obviously Christmas is going to be way scaled back for us this year.  I just don’t have any energy to get out and attempt to shop, so we’re not even going to worry about it and the adults… well they’re going to have to understand.  Dave and I aren’t even doing gifts for each other. 

The issue is Finn.  I need a list for him from us and grandparents also want to have a list so that means quite a few things to come up with and he has given me a few things to go from, but aside from just a couple wants, he doesn’t have any ideas.  I have some clothes ideas, but obviously everyone wants to get him a couple fun things too.

I am searching for fun stuff in the 3-4 age range.  We did get him a Tag Reader after lots of recommendations.  He loves Duplos, Ikea train tracks, anything Toy Story or Disney Cars, and books of all kinds.  We have a Wii and would love to find some little kid games that are fun and easy to use.

So tell me what did your boys {or girls if its a universally fun toy} like at that age? 

02 December 2010

Little Update.

I feel much much better.  My bloodwork from Tuesday came back *thisclose* to being in the normal ranges that they think the blood that I lost in my abdomen is re-absorbing well back into my system.  It’s freaky and weird how your body knows to take care of itself.  Still tired and sleeping a ton, but feel way less foggy when I am awake.  I have another appointment later today, so hopefully we’ll hear more positive things. 

Dave is taking great care of me.  I really really appreciate all of the texts, phone calls, emails, comments, and prayer thoughts you’re sending my way… it’ll be a bit before I can get back to them all, but I do very much appreciate the good thoughts, offers to bring dinner, and to keep Finn entertained for a few hours.  My friends near and far are truly amazing and so sweet.  Thank you.