02 December 2010

Little Update.

I feel much much better.  My bloodwork from Tuesday came back *thisclose* to being in the normal ranges that they think the blood that I lost in my abdomen is re-absorbing well back into my system.  It’s freaky and weird how your body knows to take care of itself.  Still tired and sleeping a ton, but feel way less foggy when I am awake.  I have another appointment later today, so hopefully we’ll hear more positive things. 

Dave is taking great care of me.  I really really appreciate all of the texts, phone calls, emails, comments, and prayer thoughts you’re sending my way… it’ll be a bit before I can get back to them all, but I do very much appreciate the good thoughts, offers to bring dinner, and to keep Finn entertained for a few hours.  My friends near and far are truly amazing and so sweet.  Thank you.


  1. So glad for some good news! Anemia can make you feel so bad. Eat lots and rest!

  2. Good news for sure. Thanks for your update.

  3. I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better. I think of you so often and hope and pray for healing in you. Continue to rest, take care of yourself, don't feel guilty. Loving on you from afar!

  4. So glad you posted an update! I was just thinking of you. Hope the recovery continues to move quickly! Prayers sent your way :)

  5. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Glad to hear that you are feeling better! It sounds like you have some amazing support!

  6. Glad things are sounding better. Keep resting as long as you can!

  7. yay! fingers crossed for a speedy full recovery!

  8. Hope you keep feeling better! How scary!

  9. That is one scary experience- glad to hear you' re feeling better!


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