04 September 2014

I Am a Cliché. I even Know How to Spell Cliché.

This morning, I dropped the kids off at their respective schools.

I know.    

Can I explain to you how magical it is for a parent to have two hours and fifteen minutes to themselves, three days a week?  The answer to that is, pretty damn magical.  Thank you, sweet, sweet pre-school.  I haven’t been alone on a regular basis, in a silent house no less, for seven and a half years.

Seven.  And a half.  Years.  Just the QUIET alone.  Those kids of mine are apparently a noisy duo.  The first two days, I couldn’t even bring myself to turn on the radio because the quiet was so magnificent. 

This morning though?  I almost danced my way out of the classroom.  I was the mom in the SUV, giant smile on my face, blasting Vanilla Ice and singing every word, just because I can.  Then I got home, to my quiet house and picked twelve pounds of tomatoes from the garden.  Homemade tomato sauce?  Heck yes.    Did I mention it was quiet? 

I might even shower before noon!

I have much, much more to tell you.  Including explaining what I’ve been doing all summer.  I intend on doing just that, but for now, shhh… thirty more minutes before I have to pick the little one up.


  1. Just wait till you get 8 whole hours to yourself. Flipping ass fabulous it is!

  2. Yes, FABULOUS is the EXACT word to describe it!! My son just started Kindergarten and while he did go to a type of Pre-K/sitter because I work 4 days during the week, I've always been off on Fridays and b/c I work 10 hours, I wouldn't make him go on Fridays - which meant when I was off, I didn't know what alone time was. Now that he has started Kindergarten, that first Friday, I honestly didn't know what to do with myself!! I have had exactly 3 Fridays - with NO CHILDREN!!! Do you realize how amazing it was to catch the sale at Dillard's this Friday and actually be able to find something b/c I was actually able to look instead of chasing a child around saying "Don't touch that, Keep your hands off, Get that out of your mouth!!!"? I can tell you - IT WAS MAGICAL!!! I thought I would be one of those moms that was crying when I saw him catch the bus, and although it brings me to the realization that my "baby" is not a baby anymore and that's depressing for just a second, the freedom that I'm able to get just for that one day, makes it all worthwhile!!

  3. The quiet is so glorious! Enjoy it and do all the things - including doing nothing!


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