12 July 2013

Friday Finest | 07.12

Friday Finest


Have you taken a peek at your Facebook privacy settings lately?  Oh, and hang out with me on Facebook too, won’t you??

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Parents, it’s hot, accidentally leaving your child in a car alone even for a short time could kill them.  No one thinks it will happen to them.  But it does, it happens to 38 children a year in the US.  READ these great tips from Julie Harrison about how to remember your child is in the backseat.

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When I had Finn and found out that I was having a c-section, I fretted about not having the birth experience that I wanted.  Then, my mom pointed out that getting him here safely was the priority.  Erika talked about that very thing this week, The Soapbox of Natural vs. Not

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I can relate, I am sure many of my blogging friends will as well.

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The Best Man was one of my favorite movies and now they are all back… including my fake boyfriend Taye.  I know where I’ll be on November 15.  Can not wait!

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Have a spectacular weekend!  Hope you’re up to something fun! 


  1. Thanks so much for sharing the tips on car safety and tips for never forgetting your child is with you. (Also, I had a c-section too. For my second baby. Having my baby safely in my arms became the only thing that mattered in the end.)


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