19 September 2011


Tate wants y’all to know we had too much fun this weekend in Atlanta.  The wedding was gorgeous.  The company divine.  We laughed so hard there were tears.  It’s a sign of a good weekend, right?

We’re taking today to recover.

Tell us how your weekend was!

atlanta 087


  1. Love that picture of Tate!! She looks so much like Finn. =0) Sounds like you had such a wonderful time! Congrats to your cousin, Meghan!

  2. I worked as usually, and have caught yet another cold. I am home with my little girl, so it will be a great day!

  3. Love that picture. Glad to hear you all had a good time. We are recovering as well. My husband was on vacation last week and we were super busy. The house needs some much needed cleaning and the piles of laundry need some work as well.

  4. She is beautiful!

    Our A/C gave out again (thank goodness for buyer warranties). But we did finally get the granite finished and my new cooktop in. Even socialized with the neighbors.

    Back to Monday...


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