30 April 2011


My friend Amy turned as old as dirt today… she’s now my age again after being younger than me for a whole twelve days.  We celebrated with a trip to our local hibachi restaurant for lunch.  Ollie & Finn loved it, ate their weight in edamame, and were chopstick champs.  Happy Birthday Amy… your present is that the boys behaved and we didn’t get the gong announcing your birthday.

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  1. That food looks yummy! I wish we had that here!

  2. I am so happy to be mentioned on the blog without a derogatory tag attached to my name. Thanks for that!

    Great photos, I never knew that Dave had such skills. I'm impressed!

  3. What can I say, I'm a man of mystery.

  4. Happy Birthday again to Amy! I bet the boys loved the hibachi show. I need to convince J to try it..he isn't very keen at food being thrown at him though ;0)

  5. Hey thanks for saying such nice things about the Sandpiper. We have kids on the boat all the time and they really enjoy it. Can I send you 3 of my favorite pictures to post on the blog?


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