22 October 2010

Pumpkins and Hay Bales and Chickens, Oh My.

We decided to venture to the Pumpkin Farm on a weekday when there weren’t 2938320 people. 

It didn’t matter that the snack shop was closed or that they didn’t have hayrides, there was plenty to keep us entertained.   

We had important business to attend to.  There were chickens to feed.

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Goats too.

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Pumpkins to choose and a pumpkin perfectionist to satisfy... I am pretty sure J looked at every pumpkin on the farm. 

I stocked up on the purpley grey gourds for our Thanksgiving tables.

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There were gourds shaped like swans and little girls in hats.

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Hay Bale towers with bright yellow slides.  And mazes made of hay that you crawled around in.  According to the preschool set, it’s cool to be covered in hay.

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And bright orange pumpkins and clear blue skies.

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And snuggly babies who can’t wait for next year when they can run around with the big boys.

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  1. What a wonderful, fun day! I freaking love the Fall!

  2. Pumpkins, hay bales, and clear October skies make for some great photos!

  3. It's one of my favorite activities of the entire year! Something about those amazing colors and the bright blue skies...oh and I guess the smiles on the little one's faces as well!

  4. All that fall wonderful against clear blue skies... that is the BEST!

  5. Awww, looks like SO much fun!! It's things like this that make Fall my favorite season :)



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