24 September 2010

Spooktacular Spider Web Pancakes

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We dyed our pancake batter black to make spooky Halloween shaped pancakes.   Then pop the batter into a plastic squeeze bottle and start drawing!  Don’t forget the spiders to go on the web.
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Oooooh spooky!
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  1. Michelle - I wish I just had an ounce of your creativity! I hope I remember these when Roxy gets big enough to enjoy them.

  2. Williams Sonoma used to have this chocolate pancake mix...That would work GREAT for this too. hmmmm.

  3. Oh my, I am gonna have to do this :)

  4. Stop!!! So wonderful, so marvelous I can't even stand it. Finnegan is going to have so many fun and creative memories as he grows up!

  5. This is such a great, not to mention EASY idea! I love it. I actually went to the grocery store to get a squeeze bottle so we could do these on Saturday and, booo :( they didn't have any. What the heck! Should have just gone to the ole dollar store! Yum, Yum, Mom!



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