10 May 2010

Just Another Manic Monday

Hi there.  Happy Monday to you. 

I used to love the Bangles.  Six o'clock already, I was just in the middle of a dreeeeeam.  I was kissing Valentino by a crystal blue Italian streaaaam.

How was your weekend?  Ours was a little rainy and busy, though it feels like we didn't really accomplish much.  Weekends like that always suck a little, don't they?  Nothing exciting happens when you're cooped up in the house and you have to flip the heat back on because it's near freezing again at night.

It's not like I had an adorable baby girl, like Gabrielle.

Or a cool date with my husband & David Sedaris, like Jules.

I'm not packing for my trip to LA to meet Rocco, like Jenny... nor do I have any of those giant m&m cookies to share with you all.  My ass couldn't take it anyway.

I did get a little bit of blog work done, have you seen the new page for recipes?  If you're checking this out in your reader, won't you stop over and have a look?  It isn't complete yet, but there are just a few more recipes I need to add.  Thankfully my husband is an html genius and helped did most of it.

I also got to sleep in on Mother's Day.  All of you Mamas out there know that in itself is quite possibly the best present anyone can give.  Finnegan also made me a card with a blue octagon, Lightening MacQueen's tire, a rainbow, and his fingerprints {aka an outline of his hand} it was awesome. 

And now we're back to Monday...  Tell me what fun things you did this weekend or what you have planned for the week!


  1. our weekend was filled with a b-day celebration for my oldest and mommy's day festivities yesterday. http://mfnusz.blogspot.com/2010/05/mothers-day-weekend.html

    and i am SO disappointed i can't make it to the seattle cheese festival....i am busy all next weekend :( poop. it is just as well though, cheese is my nemesis, with all it's evil, yummy, melty goodness, and i probably would've gained 5 lbs. anyways :P

  2. Glad you got to sleep in. I slept to almost 8am!! Woohoo...sadly thats sleeping in.
    We had Mia baptised on Saturday....we did it outside at my parents and it was fricken freezing and then brunch on Sunday!!
    The rest of this month is crazy busy on the weekends. I like having stuff to do though!

  3. so agree about the sleeping in part! sounds like you had a wonderful Moms day! I have no plans for the week and that feels good...I love the recipe tab well I think all tabs rock...I need to check my email b/c i just now got this update(i subscribe via email) on your blog post and I am a day late
    Hope you have a FAB week

  4. Glad you had a wonderful Mother's Days. Thurs- Sun I was in the car every day for 2 and 1/2 hours on the turnpike, Ohio and Indiana, very BORING!!!My sister graduated from college on Sat, and then back to my parents Sun to see my grandma in her new nursing home. It was fun seeing my extended fam, I just hate the turnpike. I actually was up early on Sunday and cleaned up the kitchen for my mom so she did not have to. I am cleaning closets this week and purging my life of stuff.


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