15 February 2010

Tough Days.

What do you do to get through them?

Because today was a doozy and I really could do with a hug or a glass of wine or something.



  1. Sending you a hug from a far. And before the WW journey I would eat something cheesy and delicious. Now however I have that glass of wine, a hot bath and sometimes a good cry!

  2. I'm sorry...

    PS.. the "verification" word down there is "BOOBIED"... I don't know why but it is making me laugh...I guess I have a 12 year old boy inside me...

  3. Psalm 91 Always makes me feel awesome. Glory be to God!

  4. *Hugs* I know I'm not always a ball of laughs, but you and Finn can come hang out with me and W tonight (as long as you don't judge my pig sty of a house). I have cheap champagne that is just wasting away in the fridge...And I can totally order pizza like a champ.

  5. Sorry you had a tough day. (((hugs)))

  6. Sorry to hear about your day! I find that having a good laugh tends to help- I usually rely on Jay Leno, AVF, my favorite movies, etc.. Hope things get better!

  7. I hope today is going better, Michelle. I wish I could come up with some good advice for you. If I figure it out, I'll let ya know!

    You are a stellar mom, wife, sister, daughter, and friend. Hopefully knowing how much you mean to others will cheer you up a bit! :)

  8. I am late as usual but sending you a whole liquor store and a ton of hugs!

  9. I am late as usual but sending you a whole liquor store and a ton of hugs!

  10. My feel better trifecta? A kitty, a bottle of wine and some Real Housewives. Feel better!

  11. Hopefully today was a much MUCH better day for ya! Enjoy the movie and we will see ya tomorrow! =0)


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