29 December 2009

See you in 2010.

How annoying and yet hilarious was it in grade school to say "See ya next year!" as you were leaving for Christmas break?  Ahhh, good times.

Sorry that I didn't get it together enough to schedule some posts to keep you occupied... especially those of you back to the daily grind.  I am taking a little time off to spend with the family, my husband is off all week as well.  Plus, I get to throw the most fun baby shower for two of my fave girls. Stay tuned for pics... but not from Finn's new camera, we're getting a lot of the ceiling and random objects.

We had a fabulous Christmas & I hope you did too.  What did Santa bring to your house?? 



  1. Ummm Santa brought way too much stuff.

    Okay this has nothing to do with this blog post but I had a dream about you and Dave. I was visiting your house and well the dream is kind of fuzzy now but it was a damn good time.

  2. Well, I'm pretty sure that it's a sign that you need to come visit the yankees! And does super mega stud know you're dreaming about my husband?


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