08 October 2009

Kiddie crack. Er... um educational TV watching for kids.

Finn doesn't watch a whole lot of tv other than the programming on PBS Kids, which I love.  Partly because I don't have to worry about a bunch of advertising crap being pushed down his throat, partly because it's nice to know I can turn it on and not worry that he's going to see anything too violent, sexual {unless you count Mama getting hot watching John Legend on Sesame Street}, or otherwise give him ideas that he has to be anything other than a little kid.  I also like that all of his favorites are shows that teach him something and yet are entertaining.  So there you have my great big push for the awesomeness that is PBS Kids, and if it isn't something you 've ever checked out, I highly encourage you to do so.

Back to the post.  All that being said, there has to be shows that are entertaining and awesome and educational on other networks too... right?  Ones that we've been missing that we might be able to find on dvd and/or get {we don't mind paying!} online?  We have decided that for our trip we're going to get an external hard drive and take the netbook instead of attempting the ipod touch right now.  That way it will serve more than one function while we're gone.  {Meaning, I can still enjoy my crack the internet in addition to Finn watching movies.} So help me fill it up!

His favorites right now are {in no particular order}
  1. Super Why
  2. Sesame Street
  3. Word World
  4. Sid the Science Kid
  5. Martha Speaks
  6. He also loves Dr Seuss anything and watches the old school animated versions of Green Eggs & Ham, The Zax, and The Sneeches on a regular basis.
So let me have it... what else can I introduce to him to keep him entertained on our trips?  And double bonus points to anyone who can recommend shows that aren't going to make me want to gauge my eyes out {Barney} with a spork.


  1. I don't know what else to suggest because WORD on the PBS kids shows. They rock! Curious George maybe? It seems to be all about problem solving and being a polite functioning monkey of society. Umm, member of society. Not monkey. Member.

  2. Well, my boy slove Thomas, and it makes me stabby, BUT...it has done something extraordinary. Thomas is narrorated (George Carlin, Ringo Star, Alec Baldwin), and it really has excited my boys about story telling, not just reading. They like to tell Thomas stories, and beg Andy to make them up. It's like an obsession.

    The second thing they are into movie wise, are old school disney movies. 101 Dalmations, Lady and the Tramp, Snow White, Jungle Book, Robin Hood, Peter Pan, and Bedknobs and Broomsticks.

    TV wise, the boys really love and learn from Noggin (now Nick Jr.). The can say about 10 words and count to 3 in Chinese thanks to Ni Hao Kai-Lan, they sing the backraydigan songs, and learn about travel from Toot and Puddle. And dude, they go crazy dancing to Yo Gabba Gabba. Due to that crazy show, we sing the good ight song, the pick up song, and the settle down song. I have the songs on my blackberry and they sing them in the car and dance. Even though the show is super trippy.

  3. Britt, I soooo can't do Thomas, but I'm off furiously googling the Noggin stuff now! Thanks!

  4. I'm sorry but omg, Barefoot Foodie comments on your blog?

    I'm green with envy.

  5. LMAO. Ummm HA! I can't wait till she sees this. Don't let it go to your head Britt.

  6. all 3 of my kiddos(when they were younger of course) loved clifford the big red dog...wish i was more help

    stopping by to let you know we have an updated SSS post up and hope you will stop by to read it-especially if you have not received a q&a from us

  7. What about Arthur? You know, the aardvark? Is Finn old enough for that show? You know how much I know about kids, right? That would be diddly squat in case you weren't aware.

    ps. Martha Speaks is great! I so wish I had a talking dog...


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