12 October 2009

Baby Shower Planning: Color Palette Vote

I'm hosting a non-traditional double baby shower the week between Christmas & New Year.  They are both having traditional baby showers with friends & family, so our group of friends are having an evening celebration of the moms-to-be.  I don't want to divulge too many details {I sure will after though!} but, it'll be great fun.     

So here is where you come in.  Help me decide on the color palaette.  I certainly have a favorite, but I want your input.  Leave a comment with the color palette title & tell me the best baby shower gift you have received or have given! 






Also, if you haven't checked out ColourLovers, you absolutely should.  It serves for great inspiration in party planning, blog design, decorating, etc...

Now, get those votes in!


  1. I can only see the first one!!!!

  2. NOW I can see them and I choose agent provocateur.

  3. I like agent provocateur.

    Best baby shower gift??? Travel playpen. But for smaller gifts, burp cloths, and I got the CUTEST sweater. I so wished it was my size and not baby size.

  4. Agent Provocateur. For SIL's shower, I'm planning on giving a couple of Chicago themed onesies. 'Someone In Chicago Loves Me' and maybe on of Ditka's scowling mug :)

    Oh, and ColourLovers? I have a new site for wasting time. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I like Chantilise. I love the bright colors against the black.
    Hmmm...best baby gift? I would say the Bundle Me sleeping bag for the infant carrier. The one gift I used all the time and was lost without.

  6. I also like Chantilise. Our best baby gift was the swing! A looooooooved his swing and it was the only place he would sleep for awhile there!


Thanks so much for taking the time to add your thoughts! Comments on older posts are moderated, so if they don't get published immediately, don't despair.