09 January 2009

Which do you like?

And may I say that I got the deal of the freaking century from Lane Bryant? Both of these dresses are marked down to $50 right now, but I got both for $40 total. I don't know what the deal is, but the sale price is now much higher than what I paid.

One of the nights of the cruise is a formal night so I need something dressy, but I wanted something that would work for after too. Both of these I would wear again so I will probably keep both provided they look good on.
Which do you like better?


  1. Wow, you are just too lucky! Those are both cute. I like the black one the bestest though! I think we're gonna need pics of you modeling them though!

  2. BLACK. Blackblackblack.

    I vote for the black one. :)

  3. The black one. I think the style of the other one looks too maternity-ish/tent-like.

  4. All of you? ALL OF YOU?!?!? Sigh. I was hoping for some fun-ness.

  5. I'm going to have to be the fun one here. I like the first one, it's retro-ish and I love that! I'm a little bit funky when it comes to dresses though..I'd take something non traditional anyday over the classic black dress.

  6. Love them both! I like the first one better because I love color and hardly ever wear black.

  7. Without seeing them on, I would have to say I like the black one better. I like the print of the first one, but not sure about the cut. Try them on and take some pictures!

    You're going on a cruise??

  8. Black for the formal, the other for fun evening or whatever. You can NEVER go wrong with a little black dress-it can go many directions & flatters everyone.
    But color rocks for nights out or crazy drunken fun on a cruise ship...lol : )


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