04 November 2008

Get your ass to the polls today.

Then post a comment letting me know you voted!!

My choice for president:

And to make you laugh:


  1. I (and B) voted absentee a couple of weeks ago because we assumed there was a good chance I'd be having a baby on or near election day.

  2. My mother-in-law and I were over there at 6:30 this morning. We didn't get done until 7:45, though. Those damn machines kept breaking!

  3. Had to vote absentee being two times zones away and all.

  4. You already know I voted. Go McCain/Palin! Please do me a favor & put up a picture with Finn in his alligator pimp shoes. Those things are great.

  5. OMG J, you did NOT vote McCain you asshole. People that read my comments don't know you're kidding.

  6. I voted!! And I waited freaking TWO HOURS to do it!! Mother of my mother. The machines were fine, just the entire city of Perrysburg shares my precinct, apparently.

  7. I think you already know who I voted for.

    I am so excited about the future of our country. I'm more proud now than I ever have been to be an American. And so happy to have a president that I stand behind 100%. I know we have a tough road ahead, but I am so happy about our future. I do hope that everyone's patriotism continues after the buzz of the election dies down. I'm so thrilled to see our county united again, I have a renewed faith in the democratic process.


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