17 September 2008

Pumpkin Divine.

You can bet your bottom dollar I will be making THIS recipe.

Anyone having a Halloween Party?


Oh, and to make pumpkin butter, since the recipe calls for it, head over to Bea's blog for the recipe for an easy one!


  1. Yummy! Does it come in virgin for the knocked up among us?

  2. That looks awesome! And Emily I bet if you just substituted a little pear nectar and a splash of oj for the liquor that should be tasty too.

  3. Oh, I don't know, someone named Michelle told me Halloween parties were stupid, and no one likes to dress up.... :( hater!!

  4. But if you had these and didn't make me dress up I'd come for sure.

  5. Please make this drink and call me over!!!

  6. Hell, if Michelle has a few of these I bet she will be dressing up;) Your welcome Dave.


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