11 July 2008

In case anyone was wondering...

{image courtesy of opi.com}

I went with KEYS TO MY KARMA on my toes. Jackie, I chose soley based upon the name. I really wanted to hit up the I'm India Mood for Love which was a hot pink, but the karma pulled me in.

And in other in case anyone was wondering news... my girls are doing AMAZING this year. I mean, this is the best squad I have worked with in a long time. They're a relatively young group since we had a sizeable group of seniors last year. They are nice, enthusiastic, hard working, and bring all kinds of cheerleading goodness to the table. There isn't a doubt in my mind that they have what it takes to win the LCF competition. And by win, I mean wipe the floor with their competition. I was amazed at their routine after 3 hours of practice. Amazed. And you know what? As a coach, that is a fantastic feeling.


  1. Oooh, I like it! I may be stealing your color next time I get a pedi.

  2. Nice, I have vodka and caviar on my toes, I meant to make that suggestion, but could not remember the name.


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