24 June 2008

Crossing the Threshold

My awesome new treasure is a booklet from 1948. My Meme gave my mom a box with photos and miscellaneous things from her childhood. In it, tucked away in a bag from a drugstore was Crossing the Threshold. It seriously has made my month.

There is a welcome letter, numbered gift certificates from a bunch of now defunct businesses, and a listing of sponsors.

Recipes galore! Where was this one last week when I needed it?!? It also has a nice listing of what to do with leftovers and how to reheat them. It's amazing how we take for granted our microwaves.

Articles and ads about budgeting. Need to furnish your new home?? Buy a sofa with clean lines so that it is easy to slipcover later! Don't forget HIS and HERS chairs.
Not many people can afford to pay cash for a home, so you *may* need to speak to your friendly bank to get a loan.

Bunny, this one is for you. I can send you better pics via email... it may help with your kitchen reno.


  1. Y2K was right! I love it!
    I am dying to hear more about the post war appliances.

  2. Oh my, I love it! That is really cool, I love old stuff like that.
    Thanks for including me in your readership! I hope you win the giveaway :)


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